The way flooring should be.

We got the tools

The very best quality is driven from the very best tools. Grace boys flooring incorporates the most innovative and efficient assets available.

Certified Experience

Our certifications are earned and trusted by businesses and families all over the seacoast, corners aren’t cut and never will be.

Competitive Pricing

If there are two things that don’t usually go together it’s amazing quality, and amazing prices. We break the rules and give you both every time.


No family should ever have to worry about the renovation of any part of there home while they are away. We make each experience a special and safe one.

25+ Years Experience

Since the 1990’s The Grace boys’ have never looked back. Each year we are getting better and better and gaining notoriety.

Flexible payments

We understand that paying for a renovation isn’t always the easiest expense, but we want to make it as easy as possible. Ask us about our payment plans.

Since the very first time we laid down our first hardwood board, we knew that our style would be one to work hard for. We continue that tradition today with amazing results, happy team, and a growing competitive attitude, yet still remaining affordable for a wide range of families and businesses all over the seacoast.

We’re a third-generation flooring company with american-made products that speak for themselves.

Copyright - Grace Boys Flooring 2018